Welcome, friends.

Operating under the belief that life is too short to suffer a bad meal, shared discovery is one of life’s greatest pleasures, and that the juice is usually worth the squeeze, Julie and I have sought out, built, and lived a (mostly) joyful, curated existence. It started 30 years ago in San Francisco, at cooking school, on the back of a motorcycle, falling in love and starting life’s great adventure together.

Over the years, we have amassed a compendium of the discoveries that have brought us joy, which we’ve shared with friends…and now with you. Our Curated Existence is a resource for Food, Destinations, Adventure, Goods, and Gear. We attempt to do two things. First, help people min-max their leisure time, knowing it is limited and precious. Second, build a community that surfaces new discoveries we can experience–and curate–to perpetuate a virtuous cycle around what we think is cool, fun, and delicious. We give, we get.

A couple of basic tenets guide OCE. Our focus is primarily on curation rather than creation. There is a vast amount of great content out there. We don’t need (or want) to recreate the wheel. Instead, we read, digest, and distill great content from excellent sources to help people save time, enrich their experiences, and identify areas where they can dive deeper. We are not comprehensive by intent. Instead, we boil things down based on our tastes and interests, which might not be for everyone.

So, thank you for stopping by. Please sign up for our newsletter, check out our Substack, and share your thoughts on how we can improve your curated existence.